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18-20 February Remembering Heavenly Hundred

February 20, 2019 | 0 Comments

On February 18-20 Ukraine remembers the three bloodiest days of Maidan protests. In those days dozens of Maidan activists later called “Heaven’s Hundred” were killed. Year after year these are the days when Ukrainian media interview Serhiy Horbatuyk, head of the Department for special investigations at the Office of the Prosecutor General – the unit investigating the Maidan case. Ahead of the 5thanniversary of the killings Horbatyuk gave an exclusive interview to the Ukrainian TVi channel. He spoke of what is known today as well as of who is impeding the course of the investigation into the crimes on Maidan. In the below material Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre highlights main findings of this talk.

We call all people in South Africa to remember and pray for those who died in Maidan and those who died in Ukraine from Russian aggression.
