

New Play for Children at Roodepoort Theatre on 22 August

South African families will soon have opportunity to experience a fresh interpretation of one of the most [...]

Interactive contemporary dance project for the children

UAZA invites parents and children (5-10 years old) to watch live dance performance “Forest” on the 26th [...]

Socio-Economic connections between Eastern Europeans (Ukraine, Poland and others) in South Africa

Registration for participants The Conference ‘Socio-Economic connections between Eastern Europeans (Ukraine, Poland and others) in South Africa’ [...]

UWC’s Virtual Commemoration of the 87th Anniversary of the Holodomor

Please join the UWC International Coordinating Committee for Holodomor Awareness and Recognition at the UWC's Virtual Commemoration [...]

Welcome to the 4th Ukrainian Festival in South Africa and first online edition!

 12th (Thursday) and the 14th (Saturday) of November, 2020 online from 03:00 till 05:00 p.m.  Ukrainian culture [...]

Happy Independance Day!

Happy Ukrainian Independence Day from Ukrainian Association in South Africa.   We wish a happy holiday to [...]

Veterans Education Project – Bohdan Radchenko Stipend

Upon serving their term, hundreds of Ukrainian men and women are coming back home from the front [...]

“Love Ukraine” read by South Africans and Ukrainians

July 16, 1990 the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine was adopted. With this video UAZA (www.uaza.co.za) celebrates [...]

Проєкт “Розмови ні про що”

Запрошуємо усіх українців в ПАР доєднатися до зустрічі з лікарем-гінекологом, кандидаткою медичних наук Наталею Новіковою. Ви зможете [...]

Online meeting with Ambassador Ms. Liubov Abravitova and Consul Mr. Andriy Synelnikov

  We invite Ukrainians in South Africa to join a talk about work of the Ukrainian Embassy [...]