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We Stand for Freedom on Human Rights Festival 2024

March 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

“We Stand for Freedom”

Dance Performance

Date: Thursday,  March 21, 2024 

Time: 14h30-16h00 

Constitutional Hill (Johannesburg)

Main stage, entrance is free but registration is required

Register on Quicket>>>



The project “We Stand for Freedom” is organised to reflect on how 2 years of full scale military aggression against Ukraine has influenced the African continent.

We hope you and your partner can join us on 21 March @14:30 on the main stage of the Human Rights Festival 2024 Constitutional Hill Johannesburg (entrance is free, but registration is required).

Kindly note that parking area at level C for the festival via Joubert Street (Festival Map attached here)

#StandUp4HumanRight #BringOurKidsBackUA #StandwithUkraine





About the Project

The contemporary dance performance “We Stand for Freedom” is a space for live dialogue between the dancers and audience members on the similarities between the Ukrainian and South African fights for freedom. Via digital technologies, the audience makes choices that shape the outcome of the artistic conversation. The piece also explores the humanitarian crisis and the impact of the war on women and children, and how solidarity can lead to a safer world for all.


The performance “We Stand for Freedom” explores four blocks that address:

  • the humanitarian crisis and the refugee children,
  • the impact of war on women and families,
  • the importance of freedom and the right to choose for society,
  • how supporting values of freedom, human rights and democracy by the global community contributes to a safer society for all.


‘We Stand for Freedom’ is a joint effort of the Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation, the Ukrainian Association of South Africa and Resilient Ukraine.


“As young democracies, both South Africa and Ukraine share and retain a tangible connection to the idea  of freedom and justice – ideals which we must never take for granted,” says Janet Jobson, CEO of the Tutu Legacy Foundation. She said, “The Arch reminded us often of the interconnectedness of all humanity – that ultimately our futures are fundamentally tied up in each other. The injustices and atrocities being meted out to the Ukrainian people must be stopped immediately.”


“Art speaks simultaneously to the heads and hearts of every human.  In the “We Stand for Freedom” performance, the dialogue is between Ukrainians and South Africans as well as between dancers and the audience. We hope that this dialogue will result in actions that defend human rights and the searching and building for peace,” explained Kateryna Aloshyna, is the intention of the performance.



  Kateryna Aloshyna (Choreographer)

Ukrainian choreographer, director and co-founder of the Art Educational Platform “Contemporary Dance Laboratory” (NPO), currently living in SA and actively promotes cultural cooperation between South Africa and Ukraine. Her recent works include: 

The Forest” interactive performance for children | 2021 South Africa

Show me your Christmas” poetry and dance performance | 2019 South Africa

The Fence” contemporary dance performance | 2019 South Africa, 2018 Ukraine



  Olwethu Sotiya 

Dancer, performer, member and artistic director of Is’Thatha Dance Project, based in Nyanga. The project is a community based NPO that strives to promote local art and culture, by creating opportunities for the local, disadvantaged community. It gives a chance to young local talent to evolve, and find their feet and grow in this difficult world.


  Ockert Prints 

Dancer and actor, with a range of collaborations with Jazzart Dance Theatre. He has performed at Baxter Theatre and the Soweto Theatre. He is also a hip hop dance teacher at the Rebirth Dance Company.


  Mkokose Siphesande 

Performer, actress, has an interest in dance, movement, theater creation, choreography, film/stage acting, voice over/ radio work, and physical theater.


  Nukeeshia Lekay 

Dancer, performer and co-founder of the Art Educational Platform “Contemporary Dance Laboratory” (NPO South Africa).


Interviews: To interview the artists from the launch event panel, please contact Kateryna Aloshyna: +27 827227231/ [email protected].


  Cecil Etc (Music composer)

Musician based in Cape Town, making eclectic music rooted in melody and harmony. Born Deán de Klerk, he is classically-trained on the piano but draws inspiration from all styles to compose. Having recorded and released music for many years, his music can be found on all major media platforms.


The Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation 

Founded in 2013, the Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation represents one of the world’s most iconic leaders and his life-long partner. The Foundation strives to ensure their uncompromised bravery is celebrated, communicated and curated for posterity. Visit www.tutu.org.za


The Ukrainian Association of South Africa 

Ukrainian Association of South Africa (NPO 189-705) is a collaborative association registered in May 2017 that promotes networks between Ukrainians and South Africans for mutual development, increased awareness and inner growth of individuals and societies. For more information about performance visit https://www.uaza.co.za/we-stand-for-freedom/ or email us on [email protected]


Resilient Ukraine 

Resilient Ukraine is a civil society organisation dedicated to future-proofing Ukraine and the world by enabling it to contribute as an equal among democratic nations towards securing lasting peace in Ukraine, Europe and globally by countering Russian war propaganda and disinformation by raising awareness about the war and developing creative content and messaging that helps to unite and inform Ukraine’s citizens and allies around the world.


In this performance the recording of events organised by the Brenthurst Foundation, UAZA and Desmond and Leah Tutu Foundations; and fragments of the poetry of Mandi Vundla and Jonas Siphokazi were used.