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Looks Like Home Screening

March 14, 2017 | 0 Comments

14 March – screening of the movie «Looks like home» by Oleksandr Nazarov and Angelina Kariakina (45 min, Ukraine 2016) at the “Labia Theatre” in Ukrainian with English subtitles. The movie talks about internally displaced people in Ukraine. Before the movie the movie heroes from the band “Dyvyna” Yulia Kulinichenko and Serafyma Sokolvak performed few songs. And after the movie they did Q&A question about Russian aggression against Ukraine in the East of Ukraine, its social consequences and about the life of over 1 mln of internally displaced people.

What does it mean to leave your home and everything in it because of war? How easy it is to rebuild your home even inside your own country?


Looks Like Home is a documentary uncovering the human stories of the conflict in the east of Ukraine. The film features the personal accounts of three internally displaced people (IDPs) who became hostages of the ongoing conflict and were forced to flee their homes.

Yuliya Kulinenko, a singer at the folk ensamble “Dyvyna” from Donetsk made decision to move to Kyiv after she realises she won’t be able to sing if she stays at home.

Yuliya Kulinenko and Serafyma Sokolvak both resettles from Donetsk will share their personal stories and will do Q&A session after the movie.