

Associate Membership

Date: December 2, 2018

If you are:

– over 18, and

– not Ukrainian and support objectives of UAZA

Associate member is invited to attend general meeting, to participate in any committee of UAZA and get other benefits for associate members.

Annual Membership Fee – R100

Subscription Fee – R20

Application for Membership

UAZA Objectives

  • To unite and support Ukrainians of all generations and all backgrounds in South Africa, to be a valid representation of Ukrainian community in South Africa;
  • To develop network of South Africans as well as other nationalities who are interested in Ukrainian culture, language or other aspects of its social, economic, academic or political life;
  • To promote Ukrainian culture, language and expand the information about Ukraine in South Africa;
  • To promote academic, social, cultural and economic cooperation between South Africa and Ukraine;
  • To support and promote the territorial integrity, national identity, pride, security, humanitarian projects and economic prosperity of Ukraine.

Please fill in the form and submit together with the copy of your Passport or ID and proof of payment to:………………………………..

Title (Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mr, Dr, Prof):

First Name and Surname :

Date of Birth:


Home Address (Physical):

(Please include Province and Postal Code )

Home City in Ukraine (if any )

E-mail Address:

Telephone No: (Home)

Telephone No: (Cell)











Associate Member

(please tick all appropriate boxes)

I support objectives of UAZA
I am not Ukrainian
I permanently or temporarily reside in South Africa

Membership Fees:      Associate Member: R100 

Subscription Fees:   Associate Member: R20  

For EFT: SA FNB BANK, Account No:62719551823, Branch Code:250655

By applying for membership of UAZA, I agree to abide by the rules and constitution of UAZA

Signature: ____________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________