We call on the government of South Africa to immediately and unequivocally condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and call on Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop this inhumane, violent, murderous attack on the free people of Ukraine.
‘There is no freedom in silence…’ — Steve Biko, anti-apartheid activist
We call on the South African government to make its voice heard and reaffirm the values of human rights, respect for international law and democracy that are cornerstones of South Africa’s constitution.
Russia is turning Ukraine — a developed nation with 43 million inhabitants — into ruins. In just six days of war so far, Russia’s attack has sewn among its casualties many hospitals, kindergartens and civilian apartments. The death toll — currently over 2,000 civilians including more than 100 children — is growing daily. As attacks intensify, this death toll is likely not only to escalate, but to escalate more rapidly. More than one million Ukrainians plus thousands of non-Ukrainians (including South Africans) have been turned into refugees overnight. As you read this, innocent civilians are being murdered. Their homes, their country and their lives are being destroyed.
‘For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.’ — Nelson Mandela, the first president of South Africa
Russia’s invasion of, and attack on, Ukraine is a clear violation of the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty of the United Nation’s Charter. Yet, the South African government has failed to express the necessary condemnation to show both Russia and the world its solidarity with the global chorus of nations standing for peace, self-determination, decency and sovereignty.
The consequences of the Russian invasion will not only hit Ukrain. It will also hit the most vulnerable people in South Africa through hiking the petrol price; compounding food shortages; escalating financial instabilities and slashing funds for developmental causes.
The decades-long fight for self-determination and democracy to free South Africans from the oppressive apartheid regime would have been infinitely more difficult if the world had turned its back on the people of the country. History places a special duty upon the government of South Africa to condemn this invasion and attack on sovereignty, freedom, democracy, the civil population and the institutions of a free country.
‘If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.’ — Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
We therefore call on the South African government to:
1) Publicly — and without reservation — condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine;
2) Allow visa-free entrance into South Africa for Ukrainians whose family members are temporarily or permanently living in South Africa.
3) Tell Putin to stop this insane war.
‘The fight for freedom must go on until it is won; until our country is free and happy and peaceful as part of the community of man, we cannot rest.’ — OR Tambo, anti-apartheid revolutionary