We offer Ukrainian language classes for adults who have interest in Ukrainian language and culture and can study independently.
RODOSLIV (ukr. РОДОСЛІВ) means “ancient words of my people”. As you learn the language, meaning of the word will become clear.
OUR MISSION: to pass the knowledge of Ukrainian language, ancient culture it represents, deep history and outlook on life to anybody who is eager to learn.
If you speak to a person in a language they understand,
that goes to their head.
If you speak to a person in their own language,
it goes to their heart.
Who could be interested:
– people of Ukrainian heritage
– partners, children and relatives of Ukrainian people
– people who plan to move to or visit Ukraine for business, religious, tourist or other reasons
– students who plan to study in Ukraine
– people who like to expand their horizons and learn about new culture
Classes are offered on-line, on Zoom platform, which gives flexibility and students from any country can join (please take into account difference in time zones).
Beginner level A1 and A2 (group max 6 students or privet) from 15 years old till unlimited.
Studying year starts in February, classes hold biweekly, duration one hour.
Picture of flowers has deep philosophical meaning , showing connection of root system of Ukrainian sunflower and South African protea. Painting was created by SA artist, student of classes – Corine Erasmus
Poem about cases in Ukrainian grammar was written by Joseph Kotsier – a Dutch poet, applied linguist and lecture in cross cultural educational studies, student of Ukrainian classes.
Присвячується одорожі іноземця в
українській граматиці
На щастя, їх лише сім
Я не здамся без бою.
все ясно,
їх лише сім.
Я дарую їм кольори веселки.
Я налию собі, я налию тобі Відмінок:
Жовтий – Називний
Зелений – Родовий
Бірюза – це Давальний
Фіолетовий – Знахідний
Синій – Орудний
Червоний – Місцевий
Сірий – Кличний
Букет граматичних квітів
який ніколи не зів’яне.
Dedicated to foreigner’s journey in
Ukrainian grammar
Fortunately, there are only seven
I Will Not Surrender Without A Fight.
All is clear,
there are only seven.
I give them the colours of the rainbow.
I will pour for myself; I will pour for you cases.
The yellow Nominative
The green Genitive
The turquoise Dative
The purple Accusative
The blue instrumental
The red locativeThe grey vocative.
A Bouquet of grammatical flowers that never