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Ukrainian dancer Oleksii Ishchenko will perform at the Artscape Theatre

October 16, 2019 | 0 Comments

Ukrainian dancer Oleksii Ishchenko with his partner Michele (#oleksiimichele) will be performing two routines with the Cape Town Philarmonic on the 20th of October at the Artscape Theatre. Known as Golden Buzzer recipients on SA’s Got Talent, they perform on pointe in a Cirque du soleil style. When Oleksii moved from Ukraine to South Africa in 2013 he met Michele in his stage debut. Since then they have been creating and preforming their strength act which is a collaboration of ballet, extreme strength and balance.

CPO Spectacular, presented by the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra, is a showcase for the brilliant singers, dancers and instrumentalists. You will be transported into a world of exciting music, light and spectacle, with music from the Beatles to Abba, Queen and more. As usual, the concert will offer a professional platform to a host of performers, including soprano Lynelle Kenned, saxophonist Don Vino, Jarrad Ricketts, Township Opera and members of the Zip Zap Circus. One of  new to the CPO platform is dancing pair Oleksii Ishchenko and Michele La Trobe.

You can book your tickets here:  https://online.computicket.com/web/event/cpo_spectacular/1319108448