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Women’s Month in South Africa to acknowledge the women’s fight for human rights.

August 14, 2022 | 0 Comments

What: a peaceful march
– to raise awareness of business communities in South Africa that by doing business with Russia, they are contributing to the violence against civilians, particularly women and children; and
– against the delay of the Government of South Africa in condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Where and when: gather at the Whalebone pier at Umhlanga promenade at 14:45 to start marching along Umhlanga promenade at 15:00.

We, the Ukrainian Association of South Africa, call on all responsible businesses to immediately and decisively stop cooperation with Russia. And we appeal to the South African Government to immediately and unequivocally condemn Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and to contribute to eradication and prevention of gender-based violence, both in Ukraine and South Africa.


August is recognized as Women’s Month in South Africa to acknowledge the women’s fight for human rights. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has a huge impact on women and girls, including the horrors of sexual and gender-based violence, often irreversible both physiologically and psychologically. There are hundreds of reported and even more unreported cases of Russian soldiers deliberately using sexual assault as a regular weapon of intimidation and humiliation against Ukrainian women and children.


Since the Russian invasion, women in Ukraine gave birth to 63,000 children, and many of them born under the Russian missile strikes and in the bomb shelters. Numerous prenatal clinics in different parts of Ukraine have been shelled, and others have reported a rise in the rate of preterm births, with the rates doubling or tripling due to increased stress and medical issues that have resulted from the invasion. A clinic in Kharkiv reported premature births on as high as 50% of all deliveries, three times the pre-Russian invasion rate.

According to the UN statistics, nearly 13 million Ukrainians, predominantly women with children, were forced to leave their homes due to the war. Russian invasion has turned Ukraine into the largest in the world territory of landmines, which is estimated to continue to harm civilians, especially children, for the next 20 years. Almost 27 000 registered Russia’s war crimes have been manifested through the deliberate killing of civilians, mining cemeteries and even dead bodies, and leaving bombs in cars, domestic appliances and even children’s toys.

The consequences of the Russian invasion will not only hit Ukraine but will also affect the most vulnerable women with children in South Africa, as petrol price hikes, food shortages, and financial instabilities all contribute to higher rates of gender-based violence.


The Ukrainian Association of South Africa appeals to all SA businesses to show their social responsibility, and to stand up against Russian military aggression; to defend peace and international order, which is critical for business functioning and prosperity.


The vast number of internationally recognizable brands, such as Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Netflix, Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, Vodafone, Mercedes, BMW, Siemens and many others, have already left the Russian market, and many more are following. By not condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, governments and companies continue to fuel and finance the illegal war, and facilitate the inhumane war crimes and atrocities against women and children.


Additionally, trading with Russia is pushing South Africa to FATF “Grey list”, which will have wide-reaching consequences for the country’s financial system, might lead to capital and currency outflows, increase of administrative and funding costs for banks, and will definitely bring reputational damage.

We call on the South African government to publicly and without reservation condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

We call on all South African companies to stop doing business with Russia, and therefore not to contribute to violence against women globally.

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression #StopGBV

For more information: +27 767355501 Kateryna (Durban) or +27 76 236 58 24 Anastasia (Pretoria); [email protected]; www.uaza.co.za
For more information on how global businesses should be responding to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine please visit www.businessforukraine.info

On most valuable brands that left Russia: https://www.weareukraine.info/war-values-and-money-a-puzzle-for-the-worlds-most-valuable-brands-to-solve/